Community Coffee Update

Hello All

This is a gentle reminder that our final Community Coffee meeting for this school year will be taking place tomorrow, Wednesday, June 12th at 9:15 am. 

These “coffee” events are informal gatherings where parents and constituents are invited for a roundtable-style discussion of information sharing, best practices and interesting conversation related to education in our ward. We often have superintendents and sometimes even principals who drop by, so these are fun and engaging events.

 There will be plenty to discuss, including the outcome of deliberations on the budget, as well as the newly-released French Review Recommendations and the Secondary School Review. As this will be our final coffee meeting of the school year, guests are also invited to stay for lunch after the meeting.

 I hope to see you all tomorrow morning at Leaside Longo’s!

Rachel Chernos Lin

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Bedford Park Public School
  • 81 Ranleigh Avenue Toronto Ontario M4N 1X2
  • School Office - 416 393-9424
  • Safe Arrival - 416 393-0967