For tips on keeping those grades up – have a look at our TIPS FOR SUCCESS!

Also check out our Bedford Park Handbook that has lots of information for parents/guardians and students!

Introduction to the Ministry of Education – Achievement Chart

Remember to respect your teachers and fellow students – good behaviour goes a long way!

Click HERE for TDSB’S reminder on consequences for inappropriate behaviour.


Students at Bedford Park are expected to come to school dressed appropriately, respectfully and prepared to participate in a variety of learning activities. The dress policy is based on the principles of respect, safety and diversity. The Dress Code for Bedford Park is as follows:

  • Outdoor attire to be worn outdoors (ie: boots, hats, coats)
  • Clothing with offensive language, messages, or images should not be worn.
  • Bare midriffs are not allowed. Clothing with spaghetti straps should also not be worn.
  • Pants must be worn securely around the waist, with no underwear visible.
  • Secure footwear must be worn in the school at all times for safety – NO flip-flops.
  • Appropriate athletic wear, and running shoes must be worn for physical education.


Students are reminded to keep all of your toys at home. Toys are misplaced or lost and often are a distraction to other students. Thank you for your cooperation.


The Toronto District School Board also works with students, parent/guardian(s), schools and agencies to ensure that all students special needs are met in the most equitable and inclusive environment possible. Support Services provides consultation and direct services to over 20,000 referred students each year across the TDSB, to optimize the educational outcome for all students.

Support Services comprises highly qualified staff registered with the following professional colleges:

Every school has access to a team of professionals to assist school staff and parent/guardian(s) in maximizing the educational potential of all students.