Fundraising at Bedford

Fundraising at Bedford is a year long effort and results in the Parent Council’s ability to fund additional high quality programming for all students that would otherwise be unavailable. Often parents ask what we raise for and why.  Funds are always needed as a way for students to get more hands on learning in the class as well as be able to focus on specific areas of interest, such as technology, athletics and the arts. Funding pays for things like Scientists in the School and various visual arts and dance special events. But it can also help with the odd necessity that the school needs that just isn’t in the school budget. Needless to say, it’s a vital part of Bedford life.

Fundraising events are always happening, but it is also the case that many busy parents cannot always get involved. Recognizing this, Bedford offers parents the opportunity to donate once and ‘be done.’ For more information on how to donate, please contact Parent Council.

Some of our past fundraising events...

Pizza Lunch 

Bedford Parks Parent Social

Grade 8 Grads Spring Flower Fundraiser

Canada 150

Community Night!

How To Get Involved

There are many ways to be part of the fun, whether its lending a helping hand with one specific initiative or taking the lead on co-ordinating an event. If you’d like to learn more about how you can take part, send an e-mail to Parent Council


Where Your Funds Go