Bedford’s Top Boy and Girl Aim High in Cross Country

Aiming high a common theme for Bedford’s top boy and girl Cross Country finalists

Nearly 3 weeks ago Quintin T and Jade D had outstanding finishes at the Cross Country City finals, with Quintin finishing 2nd and Jade 11th. Reflecting back on their accomplishments, both reveal how dedication and determination were key to their finishes.

Quintin topped his extraordinary 3rd place finish of last year, by training more and understanding more about the ‘whole experience of last year’ which helped him earn his 2nd place finish this year. “This year I was practicing way more than last year because last year I don’t think I was taking it as seriously,” said Quintin. But this year improving results was top of mind. Recounting that on race day he ran a very close race throughout. He was ahead of the boy who ended up taking top spot most of the way until he dropped his lead for a bit. He recalls that if he’d kicked a bit earlier it may have been a different story. Nevertheless, Quintin still focuses on the year ahead and the big goals he’s set out for himself on the track and next year’s Cross Country Run, in which he’s going for top place. In terms of the the track, a place where Quintin feels more comfortable with the faster pace and the even surface, he’s only got himself to beat with a goal of bettering his personal best time this coming year. Way to go Quintin and good luck in the coming season.

As for Jade D, consistency is her game, placing 11th for a second year running at the City Finals. Tenacity is something she had to build up in herself this year as she battled a pulled hamstring just weeks leading into the race. Talk about drive – despite a tough year where typically the girls are much bigger and stronger than the year before, Jade confidently crossed the line, “It felt good to cross the line as [the run] was really hard this year compared to last year because lots of girls are bigger and faster in grade 6.” Jade won the conference final last year and placed 11th at Cities. This year’s conference was a bit tougher for her as she placed 8th, but again finished with an 11th place result in the finals, which shows how much she was going for it. “Next year it’s longer and I like long runs so I think I could do better,” says Jade. She’s all about consistency, putting another solid goal in place for herself of a top 10 finish at cities next year. Great job Jade and good luck.

Congratulations to all the incredible Bedford finishes at the cities this year: Ian C 28th, Emma O 46th, Katherine W 32th, Hayden J 45th, Chase E 69th. Good luck next year everyone!
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