Assistive Technology

Did you know that every child of the TDSB has a Google account?

At the last Parent Council meeting, David Pimentel gave a presentation on Assistive Technology using the Google Chrome platform.  This technology is geared to help students of every grade improve upon reading and writing skills.  Best of all, it’s fun to use.  Using the Chrome browser, and optionally a microphone and headphones, kids can make use of the Read&Write app (and others) to help with everything from learning the sounds and spelling of words to double-checking homework.  With the use of voice-to-text, text-to-voice, and predictive text, there are numerous benefits.

For more information please see the following presentation which includes instructions on how to access your child’s account and the Read&Write app.  David’s contact info is also in the presentation.

Download Assistive Technology Presentation

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  • 81 Ranleigh Avenue Toronto Ontario M4N 1X2
  • School Office - 416 393-9424
  • Safe Arrival - 416 393-0967