When ‘‘healthy’’ eating and exercise put your child at risk – March 28th

A TDSB Joint Ward Forum: Finding the Balance – When ‘‘healthy’’ eating and exercise put your child at risk.

How do messages about health impact your children and families? Panelists will share their perspectives on navigating messaging about health, recognizing when eating and exercise behaviours may be harmful, and how to support young people who have a challenging relationships with food, exercise and body image.

Date: Thursday March 28, 2019
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Location: Cosburn Middle School – 520 Cosburn Middle School

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Bedford Park Public School
  • 81 Ranleigh Avenue Toronto Ontario M4N 1X2
  • School Office - 416 393-9424
  • Safe Arrival - 416 393-0967
  • bedfordparkpc@gmail.com