Valentines for Veterans

The Parent Council Community Outreach Program, and we need your help!!

As part of our vision for Parent Council these past few years, we have tried to reestablish a practice of community outreach and we are looking to connect with our local community right now,

We would like to have our students reach out and Send Valentines to people at our local Sunnybrook Veterans Centre and let them know we care. There are some 400 residents there so would love it if every Bedford Student took part. The children can tell them a little about themselves, what they are doing at school, how great their teacher is or simply colour a Valentine card.

We have arranged the following drop off locations in our neighbourhood,

40 Melrose Ave
49 Snowdon Ave
144 Wanless Ave 

We will then arrange to get them delivered so that they can be quarantined and delivered for February 14th.

In addition, a HUGE thank you to our wonderful teachers Ms Corner, Mr Ianni, Ms Nadel, and Mr Pimentel are partaking in a letter writing project for the Residents at Teddington and the Bradgate Arms.  

We ask that the cards be dropped off ON or BEFORE February 8th at any of the locations below so that they can be dropped off and quarantined in advance of February 14th.

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Contact Info
Bedford Park Public School
  • 81 Ranleigh Avenue Toronto Ontario M4N 1X2
  • School Office - 416 393-9424
  • Safe Arrival - 416 393-0967