TDSB Universal Screening Process

September 2019

Dear Parent/Guardian:

As part of the TDSB’s Universal Screening Process for Grade 3 students, all grade 3 students will take the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test, a standardized group test of ability.

The results of this test will be used by school personnel to gain a better understanding of your child’s learning strengths and needs, and to provide educators with key information for differentiating instruction to improve student achievement. 

Central staff may also use test results to establish a basis for the evaluation of existing programs and assist in planning appropriate curriculum and instructional programs at the system level.  Individual test results will be treated confidentially and any data used for purposes of reporting to the public will be done generically without disclosure of identifying information.

This test will be administered by school personnel during the week of September 30th,  and will not involve anyone from outside the school. Following the assessment, a copy of the results will be placed in your child’s Ontario Student Record and a copy of results will also be shared with you.

As stated above, all students will participate in this assessment.  If you do not want your child to take this test, please inform the school in writing no later than Wednesday, September 26, 2019.

More information around the Universal Screening Process can be found here – If you have any other questions, please speak to your child’s teacher.  Thank you for your support and cooperation.


Ms. D.N Mantia                                                                                    Ms. M. Berger

Principal                                                                                                Vice-Principal

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Bedford Park Public School
  • 81 Ranleigh Avenue Toronto Ontario M4N 1X2
  • School Office - 416 393-9424
  • Safe Arrival - 416 393-0967