Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday, February 27th is Pink Shirt Day. The day came to be when two teenage friends organized a high-school protest to wear pink in sympathy with a Grade 9 boy who was being bullied for wearing a pink shirt.  Over the month of February, the students in Room B3 are talking to classes about what Pink Day represents, why this day was created, some bullying awareness, and anti-bullying strategies.  They are providing each student at Bedford with a PINK SHIRT HANDOUT and inviting them to decorate their shirt with an ANTI-BULLYING/ KINDNESS phrase or picture. These will then be put up on all of the classroom doors, so that on Wednesday February 27th there is a sea of a pink throughout the school.  

On February 27th, we encourage everyone to wear pink and show the importance of continuing acts of kindness and acceptance. 

Thank you B3 staff and students for your leadership!

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