Parent Council Updates – Building Improvements and Community Night

The Bedford Parent Council met Thursday night with Dima, Kathy, and our new acting V.P. Melissa Berger in attendance.  Here are the highlights:

The Roof Replacement project was originally scheduled to begin on March 1st, however due to  unpredictable weather Bedford’s project could start later in March. 

The Field Revitalization project has made exciting progress.  Current plans include having the field replaced with artificial turf, replacing the 2 baseball diamonds with 1, relaying the 4 lane Asphalt track, reallocation of natural playground elements (such as large stones), increasing basketball court area to accommodate more nets, the creation of a quiet zone, some re-design to the pedestrian path along the west parking lot and general improvements to the state of play structures and enhancements in overall design (i.e more shaded zones and bleacher seating).  While a majority of the project will be funded by the TDSB, through other generous donations as well as Parent Council funds, there is still fundraising to be done.  The Parent Council will be sharing a package of detailed design plans and fundraising options in the days to come.

The Community Night team, under the leadership of Janet Stone and Christine Perkins, will be contacting Class Parents to organize volunteers for this event which is scheduled for Friday, April 20th, 2018.  Community Night is our biggest fundraising event of the year and the funds raised are put towards the next year’s activities.  All of the favourites will return such has the Silent Auction, the bouncy castle, and the Nails room.  The team will be looking for local sponsorship for these rooms to help reduce costs.  You may also email to join the fun!

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Bedford Park Public School
  • 81 Ranleigh Avenue Toronto Ontario M4N 1X2
  • School Office - 416 393-9424
  • Safe Arrival - 416 393-0967