The next Parent Council meeting is next Tuesday @ 6:30pm . Can you make it? Click to download the agenda.
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Toronto Police street-proofing program has shared safety tips for kids in the community. Please see the information from TDSB and share with your children.
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BEDFORD PARK PUBLIC SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL ~ AGENDA ~ Tuesday April 10th 6:30 LIBRARY FREE Babysitting is provided by Parent Council School update (Dima Nijmeh-Mantia) Grounds Revitalization – Richard Christie, Senior Manager for Sustainability, Plant Operations & Sustainability of the TDSB Council Update (Cindy McKay, 
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Please see Below for the details of both the Kindergarten and Grades 1-4 Winter Concert. Bring some extra loonies and toonies for the Yummy Bake Sale  – all proceeds go to the Grade 8 Graduation. Holiday_Concert_Invitation_Final_1-4 winter concert Winter Concert – Kindergarten
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BP Tweets
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Contact Info
Bedford Park Public School
  • 81 Ranleigh Avenue Toronto Ontario M4N 1X2
  • School Office - 416 393-9424
  • Safe Arrival - 416 393-0967