
  • Lost and Found Volunteer Team
  • Community Night
  • Silent Auction (every other year)
  • Pizza Lunches
  • Art Cards

Extra Curricular

  • After-4 Programs, Chess ‘n’ Math
  • BBQ Committee
  • Teacher Appreciation Rep
  • St. John’s Babysitting Rep


  • Fun Run
  • Used Sports Collection
  • Christmas Toy Drive
  • Book Share


  • Parent Handbook
  • Bedford Blues
  • Bulletin Board
  • Photocopy Team

School Committees

  • Lost and Found Volunteer Team
  • Information Technology Committee
  • Eco Schools Committee
  • Education Advocacy Committee
  • Graduation Committee
  • Lice Screening Committee
  • Publishing Centre Rep
  • Ranliegh Rascals Rep
  • Anaphylactic Safety Rep
  • Safe Arrival Rep
BP Tweets
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Contact Info
Bedford Park Public School
  • 81 Ranleigh Avenue Toronto Ontario M4N 1X2
  • School Office - 416 393-9424
  • Safe Arrival - 416 393-0967